52 Books in a Year


Inspired by my own lack of reading for pleasure and a friend’s feat of this very project last year, I decided to embark on this literary journey myself.

I am going to read, or attempt to read, 52 books.

That’s 1/week on average.

I’ve got one down already and three halfway done with.

Apparently I’m a scattered reader. Hopefully this will end that.

I’ll keep posting to keep you updated, but the previous post was for my first book, Fifty Shades Freed.

Until next read/idea/problem/complaint/great moment,

Girl-in-Like with books

Why I Chose to Read Fifty Shades of Grey

Why I Chose to Read Fifty Shades of Grey

Well, seeing as at the time it was becoming the hottest book on e-readers and I had heard mom’s were the most likely buyers, I decided to get to it before my mom could… y’know… just to make sure it was kosher.

Well it’s not. But it is. Gosh, it’s like that part in Titanic where people of all ages are watching as Jack and Rose have a hot and steamy love fest in that old Model T lookin’ car. It’s the hand print. Desire and romance are irresistable in modern film and literature. In fact, they always have been, I think.

So, why all the commotion about Fifty Shades? I think that for everyone who says that it teaches young women that this form of “love” (BDSM) is okay, there is a lesson to be learned by the “inner Goddess” that the main character, Anastasia, so often listens to.

Her inner goddess takes many forms: sexy librarian, book snob, gymnastics queen, gawky twenty-something, sexual explorer, and, well, go-get-em-don’t-take-no-for-an-answer-supporter-of-women’s-rights goddess. I think every girl needs an inner goddess like this one.

I think mine usually takes the form of me as a 40 year old because my inner goddess poses questions such as “wouldn’t you rather get a good night’s sleep?” or “is there something more productive to be doing?” Sometimes I wish I had that sexy, librarian, gymnastics, sex goddess telling me to flaunt what I’ve got, go for the gold, don’t look back, and have no regrets…

But I probably wouldn’t be where I am today if that were the case.

So that’s why I loved this book.

I could have that inner goddess in my head as I whipped through the Fifty Shades trilogy.

So go pick it up. And buy yourself a sexy silver tie while you’re at it.

Things I have learned to not eat on dates, but still always do:

In no particular order:

1) Bagels with cream cheese–I am partial to blueberry bagels toasted with cream cheese. And lots of it. Which inevitably means it seeps out in every which way and a dollop might land somewhere on or around me. The gooey cheese looks great on my face at the end. Not.

2) Buffalo Wings–they’re amazing, irresistable, spicy, meaty, and, unfortunately one of the messiest foods in the world. But that never stops me. Muahaha.

3) Caesar Salad–if it’s the real kind, it is made with anchovies. And you will smell fishy. But it tastes delicious and has a lovely kick to it, which means I’ll order this again.

4) Peanut Butter Bacon Cheeseburgers–I think this just weirds out most people. But not me. Extra Peanut Butter please!!! Oh, and if you add jalapenos, your mouth will be jappy. Or jalapainful.

5) Donuts–there’s really nothing that says fatty like donuts. Which is why they are my favorite thing in the world.

6) Pasta with garlic–this is the gift that keeps on giving. The smell will not leave your mouth for a long time. I hope your partner likes garlic tongue. Yum. Oh, Nick, beware! ❤

Additionally, there is another go-to date pasta of mine:

7) Spaghetti–they say it’s polite in some cultures to slurp your food. Others say this is just obnoxious. I am with the former. It’s fun, too. Needless to say, with slurping spaghetti, comes the splashing of sauce. Wear a bib.


8) ONIONS–nothing says “I want to sleep with you” more than onion breath. Try it. For beginners, onion rings work best.

–Sloppy Girl in Like